
Saved For Later

Sometimes I like to think and ramble too much but then decide to take it back and save it to reappear at another time.  

A Way To Like Mushrooms

 Hey, mushrooms really aren’t so bad when they are sliced thin and then unintentionally cooked until they are crispy!  I have never liked the texture of them.  My good friend and college roommate used to call them mold grown on manure. 😂   Oh my gosh, I just realized how my thought title might sound. 😲 I really was thinking about the mushrooms on my pizza and not the hallucinogenic kind.  The joke is on me.🤦‍♀️ I did watch an interesting series on Netflix though. I have never had psychedelic experience, but I will be honest in saying that I would like to.  Evidently this is why the thought entered my head even though this entry really was intended to be about the overcooked mushrooms on my pizza. 🤭 I know that our human brains hold some amazing potentials that just need some help to be unlocked. 🔐 

PhDs and Angela’s Ashes

  Correction: I previously made a mistake in assuming that Frank McCourt Jr. the business man is the son of author  Frank McCourt.  He is not.                                                Frank (my husband) very recently mentioned Frank McCourt for some reason that I have forgotten.  I reminded him that Frank McCourt was an honorary degree recipient when he graduated with his PhD from UConn.  I remember Frank McCourt saying that he was told that he didn’t need to speak but he chose to anyway.  How cool was that! 😎 And yes, Frank receiving his PhD was really cool also!  🙌 👨‍🎓 😄  Thinking of Frank McCourt reminds me of something else that I once heard.  It was that the greatest poverty that a child can know is the poverty of not being loved. 😔


 Sometimes we don’t receive any on a particular day (from our own minds or elsewhere) but then a day later it arrives in the form of effortless intuition.

The Day I Became A Terrible DIL

 That it a story for another time. 🫢


  Pressing is for hamburgers and not people.  Although I’m not too thrilled about the slaughtering of cows either.  I haven’t ceased eating beef though.  I only did that once for 7 months after I watched the “Faces Of Death” movie that my brother had borrowed from the video store up the street.  I ate no meat at all for 7 months, actually.  What are brothers for? 🫨😜😄

Blythe and Vamperina

I found myself thinking about the time in the not too distant past when Vamperina became a popular girls toy.  What won’t the toy industry think of?  I couldn’t help but wonder if the girls of today, who will be the women of tomorrow, will find themselves remembering Vamperina in a way similar to how I remember Blythe.  She was a rather unique type of doll with an odd disproportionately large head. 😂  Vamperina though also had a TV show.  #blythe #vamperina

Sorry For My Lack Of Attention

    I’m very sorry for all the terrible things that happen in the world even when I allow myself to be wrapped up in my own little bubble of life and I don’t pay enough attention to the news stories like the ones about all the people who recently died in the earthquake and then the flooding disaster.     I am sorry for not giving it all more of my attention and thought.   It’s just that I don’t have any control over these things and I can’t do anything about them so I just keep on going about living my own life.     But I can take a little more pause to pay attention to and at least give some heartfelt thought to the people affected.  I desire to be an empathetic  person so I want to be reminded that it is always important to not be deaf to things that should be heard and empathized with, even if this just means pausing to listen and not just ignoring it all.   I’m thankful for these kind of reminders from whatever sources I may receive ...

Room For Improvement

 Room for Improvement.  It is one of those things in life that never ends.  New ideas will always come to human beings whether we want them to or not.  It has been and always will be our destiny because it is what we are made of.

Life Challenges

 Some people deal with more than others.  What is the point?  What is the point of people being hindered from reaching their full potentials?  Either it is all just random or our lives are designed to mold us, in ways that we don’t appreciate, into being our best and ultimately most fulfilled versions of ourselves.  I definitely think there is such a thing as too much stress though and people deserve to be relieved from having too much stress.  I had reached a point in my life of believing that the whole notion of things being predestined or “meant to be” didn’t make sense or follow from any more intelligent thought or reasoning.  Our lives follow the paths that we ourselves think we desire, and try to choose, in conjunction with the randomness of life.  Now sometimes I’m back to being not so sure what to think.  I’m sure the truth is more complex. 

Battery Operated Holiday Decorations

This is a pet peeve of mine.  I wish businesses would stop making so many lighted holiday decorations that run on batteries.  There are so many cute things that all run on stupid batteries.  I don’t want them.  I want lighted decorations that I can plug in so I can leave them lit as long as I want and not have to worry about blowing through batteries that will have to be replaced.  Who is buying all this battery operated shit?  I wish that it all wouldn’t sell much so that businesses would replace it with decorations that can be plugged in.

Lost In Thought

 I would accomplish more with each day if I spent less time lost in thought.

Lobster Rolls

  I almost forgot.  This is a memory worth keeping and a food highlight of my trip back to Connecticut.  There were actually 2 lobster rolls but I had already eaten half of the first, so I left it out of the photo.  These were from DAngelo’s and they definitely didn’t skimp on the lobster! 😯😋😄#dangelogrilledsandwiches

Paying Bills By Mail

 I wonder what percentage of adults in the United States still pay their monthly bills by sending checks via snail mail?  I know that maybe to most of us, the idea of doing this would sound foolish and crazy, but I also know that there are still people, perhaps in their 70s, 80s, and 90s, who had lived a certain way for long enough that they couldn’t just let go of what was familiar and felt the most trustworthy and secure.  It’s hard to just jump ship to some totally foreign and unknown way of doing things that you weren’t exposed to at a younger age.  I think I can completely understand how older people could want to hold onto their lifelong practices and understood experiences.  This is why I am just curious about how often this bill paying method is still used?  Another question would be what percentage of our oldest populations did follow and start using the newest technologies as they became available 

The Magical Thinking Of Childhood

 The magical thinking of childhood is in fact the birthplace of adult ingenuity that drives us forward in positive and productive ways.

The Flintstones

 Growing up I watched the Flintstones even though it wasn’t a favorite show of mine.  I was just thinking and laughing about how Fred would go into a panic and be racing around in a state of dysfunction if Wilma so much as thought that the time might be coming soon for Pebbles to arrive.  I could think of a funnier story (though maybe not for a children’s program).  It would be better if Wilma was in active labor and ready to head out the door to go to the hospital.  Fred would then say, “Wilma, I have to get myself something to eat for dinner before we can go to the hospital.  I’m just going to cook a frozen pizza.  That will be a quick and easy dinner.  You just sit yourself down there now and relax for a few minutes.  My pizza won’t take long.”  When it is finished, Fred would happily carry his Pizza to the car, places it on the car dashboard and enjoy it on the way to the hospital.  Now that would be a funny Fred. 😂  And t...

Childhood Games

 Playing school was a childhood game that I liked to suggest when playing with neighborhood friends or my cousin and maybe also my brother.  I always wanted to be the teacher and instruct everyone else and give them work to complete.  Not too difficult, I’m sure, because I wanted to be an easy and nice teacher and of course they wouldn’t want to do it if it was too hard.  Play school needs to actually be play. 😂  Ironically my good childhood friend who was content to play the part of student, is the one who grew up to be an elementary school teacher. 😂

5 Million Things

 I always have ideas of about 5 million things that I feel I should and want to do.  This leads me to feeling confused and without clear goals or a sense of definite and purposeful direction.  How do I choose?  And how do I prioritize what to choose?  I’m reaching a point in my life where I want to just be happy with whatever I choose to spend my time on and feel secure that if something is really important it will become a priority.  Maybe this is the key to feeling relaxed and happy versus feeling stressed out, not only about about necessary activities but also about whatever choices I decide to make.  We can only do so much with the time that we are given in life but if we spend our time worrying about everything that we can’t get to, then we are wasting our precious time.💡 I get it.  I want to give my full attention and enjoyment to whatever I set my mind to in each moment.  Thinking and writing little snippets about things is one thing ...

Philosophical Moments

 I guess I am by nature wired to have my moments of trying to think philosophically about things, whether I succeed in gaining any deeper understanding about things or not.  My brain always attempts to try to grasp new ideas and understanding but sometimes there is value in mentally repeating old ideas because preserving what it is already believed and understood is important also.


The lessons and knowledge of the past are what inform the ongoing unfolding of intelligence and desire for the betterment of human existence in the present and future.  We need to remember and understand why histories lessons are important.  History is full of examples and lessons about what works and what doesn’t, how things should and shouldn’t be done, and how things can go wrong or change for the better.