Living One’s Best Life
What do we as human beings really need to live our best lives? We need to feel and show love and kindness toward ourselves and one another. It is that simple and yet this is so often such a difficult thing for human beings to achieve. Why do people become so attached to their judgemental and negative feelings toward others? Probably because human life has a long history of being very difficult. When people struggle to achieve and maintain their own well being, they fear having this ripped away from them by the needs, desires and actions of others. They fear losing whatever resources they have to others. They especially can’t extend to others what they themselves lack and are in need of. Rejection and judgement of others has a need for self preservation behind it. It is a vicious cycle. The cure that people truly need can become what they are the most vehemently opposed to. Human beings need to cling to their own mental curses because they just can’t accept them as such. In reality feeling love and desiring to show kindness toward ourselves and one another is truly the best thing for everyone involved. This is how we can live our best lives. This kind of enlightenment, though, can be a very difficult task for human beings. We can understand this and yet still not be able to just wave a magic wand and completely transform ourselves. Understanding our own cure is half the battle though. Having a desire for higher emotions and attitudes means that we are on the right path. The rest will come when we are ready.
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