

I deactivated my Facebook account.  For me it is the most annoying, attention stealing and manipulative social media of all. My dog really doesn’t care if I wish her a happy national dog day on Facebook.  She cares if I give her attention and a snack of some ham or chicken or turkey. When Facebook does things like creating or promoting a National Day for just about anything and everyone, they are manipulating people as much as possible to feel obligated to participate with and use their social media platform.  We don’t want to hurt anyone’s feelings if we fail to wish them a happy butcher, baker, or candlestick maker day. This was just one of many things that I personally didn’t care for about Facebook.  I want to use social media if I feel like it, and not because I feel any obligation to be involved with or follow anything happening there.  People are overwhelmed by the demands and expectations of their lives already, without adding an extra burden of keeping up with and giving feedb

Best Life

  There is a lot of talk and thought these days about living one’s best life.    It is a fad concept.     The following is a meaning that it has for me.   Part of being human is sometimes experiencing a weakness or failure of our heart’s capacity to measure up to our vision of our own goodness and ability to love.     I believe that doing our best to work on this is a very significant part of living one’s best life.  The ability to love is a benefit to ourselves as much as it to others.  The inability to love is not only a detriment to others but also a detriment to our own hearts.  Practicing kindness, even when it takes conscious effort, is the first step to growing the love in our hearts.  Lack of love hurts us not only when it is not received but also when it is not given.


  Every soul should feel its worth and experience love and acceptance.  ❤️

Personal Authenticity

 I care not to jump on any bandwagons of thought unless they really resonate with me based on my own experience and understanding.     I have been guilty of this in the past and then came to realize that doing so is an inaccurate representation of my authentic self and individuality.


  We believe that our present is the only time with real existence (the past is gone and the future has yet to arrive) and yet when time is broken down to it’s briefest durations, there is no distinct and perceivable present, or separation between future and past for that matter.   We must borrow some measure of time from the future and past in order to enable our perception of a present. And who is to say that our point of perception is the only place in time that has the quality of existence? Past time has passed out of existence and future time has yet to come into existence.  How is it that our perception happens to be attached to the only point in time where time has real existence out of all of the time that ever has been and ever will be?  Is it because we just happen to be among those who are living and existing at the current place in time where the present is at?  Can there really only ever be one point in time, out of unimaginably large amounts of time, where an active and d


The deepest truths can be found in the simplest of words.


Bullies project their own insecurities and vulnerabilities onto external targets so as to keep themselves shielded and safe. Bullies achieve personal status and security by soliciting the participation of others bullies, granting supporters immunity from their abuse or by causing others to fear being the targets of their abuse.  Some bullies unfortunately enjoy being cruel just for the sake of being cruel. Bullies do not gain respect from others that is based on any admirable qualities such as kindness, caring, generosity, intelligence or personal achievement.


I  reserve the right to question what I do not comprehend.     I acknowledge my potential for being wrong about that which I do not comprehend.