
Showing posts from December, 2024

An AI Donald Trump Video

I saw this video on Instagram.  I wonder what apps are making the best AI videos that are now being shown? igsh=bmFvdzM5ZTV3amti Could the baby Trump giving some kind of address be any cuter?!

Being Royal

 There are always lots of news stories about the British royal family at Christmas time and on other special occasions.  The royal family does intrigue me.  It is not so much that I care about the fairytale idea of there being people who are born into royalty and set apart from others by being royal.  What intrigues me is wondering what the experience of being born a Royal family member is actually like for the royal family.  The British people clearly do love their centuries long tradition of having a monarchy and a royal family.  They are attached to their fairytale fantasy of it all.  They are the reason why royalty and the royal family are made real.  When I see photos of the royal family members, the question that is in my mind is how they feel about it and what the experience is like for them.  I would really like to be able to just get inside their heads to know how they feel about it all.  What in the world is it like to be a mem...

And Another Christmas Is Complete


A Weird Thought Or Rather Thoughts

So El Salvador got a billion something deal from the IMF to not continue with its plan to allow Bitcoin to be used as a national currency.  So now if countries all over the world start buying up Bitcoin with the intention of it being used as a national currency, will the IMF keep striking up billion dollar deals with them not do this.  Have they set a precedent now for what other countries could expect from such an endeavor?  Could the IMF have foreseen such a thing happening.  Could they have crafted a plan for such a situation?  Does this have a world is comic book story vibe?  I evidently like conjuring up crazy stories.  A “Food For Thought” thought just found its way in into my head.  It is food for thought for myself.  Surely there are others in the world who have greater foresight and intelligence than Mr. Trump and Elon Musk. I guess I like coming up with crazy stories of what the future holds for humanity.  The battle of intelli...

New Approach To Living

 My new approach to living is that a to-do list is a life plan or course of action.  It is not something that must be completed or prioritized over time spent just taking time to smell the roses, so to speak, or just enjoying life in general.  If things on a to do list are completed then great.  If they cannot or do not end up being completed when we had hoped that they would, then this is ok also.  Some things are more important than whether one’s house is perfect or whether all of one’s holiday ideas and plans come to fruition.  This is true for life in general be it a holiday time or not.  Yes, we all must prioritize what needs to be done and accomplish the most important things but some things are less important than our happiness and joy that we are able to find in living.  I think the notion that things don’t have to be perfect is a good attitude and example for others.  Being happy, assisting others when we can, and sharing our own joy...

Astronauts Stuck On The Iss

 Yesterday I heard the news about astronauts Sunita Williams and Butch Wilmore now being stuck in space with a return date of late March at the earliest.  This is terrible.  It was bad enough when there was the news that they would be stuck until February.  I can imagine that they must feel like they might never set foot on planet earth again.  How frustrating for them. 


We’ve got nations committing serious and violent acts of aggression against other nations including civilian locations.  This is the thought that my contemplations about drones was interrupted by.  And it is like our whole world is being hit with a tsunami of chaos.   And I’m reminded again that people in other nations are actually living the stories and lives that I hear as world news.  And I know how lucky I am to be living a privileged life as an American. And I will turn my attention back to the drones because they are another crazy development and thing taking place in the United States of America which is my home and where I reside. And now for a more whimsical thought tale.  Mr. Trump is mister grinch.  He is just whitish/yellow instead of being green.  I wonder if there is any possibility that he could become a real world transformed grinch whose heart begins to grow in size.   With the level of crazy that seems to be afflicting our planet...

A Little Pre Holiday Rest

 A little pre-holiday rest. 😄 🐈 

A Tonight Thought

This is just a thought that I find in my head tonight.  If we think that we are rigid and firm in our beliefs, the universe will most likely have tricks up its sleeve to convince us otherwise.  

Baby Boomers

  On the Boomer generation.  It seems that there are too many years that are considered to be part of the Boomer generation.  Some boomer babies born right after the end of World War II were having babies of their own during what is now considered to be the Boomer generation.  Interestingly, I have an aunt (well three of them actually but I am thinking of one) who was born prior to the end of World War II.  Her parents are of the Greatest Generation (her father fought in WWII) and there is no generation between them and the post war boomer babies, so my aunt is also a part of the same generation as her parents.  I came into the world evidently to be an early Gen Xer, whatever that means.  Well, I guess I should have a pretty good idea of what it means.  It means I was plunked right into a bizarre life of experiencing and living in two very different worlds! My husband was born in the last month of the last year of the baby boomer generation. ...


 I think it is time to get back to working on Genealogy and my family history research.  After Christmas, that is. 😄


IMHO Pineapple and ham or bacon are great on pizza, but hold the anchovies! Did you put habaneros in your coffee? Wow, that’s quite a fixer-upper you’ve got there. What’s the problem?  Do you not like it when you’re human has to go to work while you stay home and nap and lie in the sun?  

Droopy Star

Oops.  My star for my new bedroom Christmas tree didn’t quite work out. 😲 Maybe I can find another way to use it for a decoration because it really is pretty. 😄 ⭐️ 🎄 I found the perfect tree topper in with my ornaments.  I used to just hang it on the tree as an ornament.  I guess this angel has now been promoted.  She must be the angel of Christmas.  I was looking at my tree and was surprised to notice this little guy still hanging around for Christmas.  I’m not sure what spirit he might be. 😂 🎄 👻 

60 Minutes

I haven’t been a viewer of the program “60 Minutes” in a long time, but I definitely want to watch it tomorrow.

Rescue 911

 Cool. 😄  I just learned this morning that the show “Rescue 911” is available to watch on Pluto TV which is a television and movie streaming channel that is free to watch with adds. 👍

Are The Birds Real?

Yes Phily, that place and those birds do really exist.  They just aren’t there on our television screen.  It’s a live video though. .   

Interesting News Articles & Stories

I think I will make this entry my place for adding interesting news articles and stories as I come across them. It will be interesting to see how all these things really play out in the four years after Donald Trump becomes president again.  A lot of the Independent new stories that I like to watch have click baity titles, but the information contained in them is nonetheless very interesting.