
Showing posts from June, 2023

Dirty Dishes

 Yesterday evening I caught up with everybody’s dirty dishes and only left a dog bowl in the sink.  This is what I found in the morning.  Everyone thinks they use very few dishes.  #thismorning #familylife

Socks & Silverware

What is it with socks and silverware?  Why do they both have a tendency to inexplicably be gone?  I had a whole set of silverware that belonged to my grandmother.  The only thing that now remains are the knives and one fork.  Why?  No one thinks they ever took any of the forks or spoons out of the house. 😐


 Sometimes to get motivated to clean, I have to think of dirt as my adversary and then I think, “You have met your match dirt.  I will quickly and easily remove you from my home and possessions!” I wish I felt adversarial toward dust and dirt a little more often.  🫢

Crossword Puzzles

 I never liked crossword puzzles in the past when I was younger, but now I do really like them.  But only the easy variety without a lot of difficult trivia and with just enough easy answers to provide enough clues.  In other words just the right amount of difficulty to make them fun and challenging but easy enough to solve with knowledge already possessed.  For the most part anyway.


We think therefore we feel and we feel therefore we think.     Both are true.


 It is normal and necessary to devote a lot of our memory to negative experiences and feelings.  Remembering things that hurt us or that we feel ashamed or embarrassed about are necessary to help protect us from future harm and repeated mistakes.  They are also necessary to enable us to grow into the better versions of ourselves that we hopefully desire to be.  The blessed thing is that these memories don’t all come back to us and aren’t all present in our conscious awareness at any given time.  This normal amnesia and selective remembering is particularly helpful for, perhaps over sensitive, people like myself who seem to store memories of everything.  Memories are preserved and stored away until they seem relevant to our present experience and our desire to remember their lessons.  They surface to help us remember what we don’t want to do again or fail to do again in our present or future.  It is true though that sometimes emotional connections ...

Thinking Without Thinking

 We are conscious beings and yet we have this whole subconscious level of brain functioning that seems to just do its own independent thing.  It is often our subconscious brain activity that influences our conscious feelings and thoughts when these subconscious influences rise to the surface of conscious thought.  This begs the question of how much of our conscious experience comes from our own conscious choice.  We recognize all of our thoughts, feelings and perceptions as belonging to our conscious selves, but our subconscious mind is our continuous influencer and copilot.  Memories are one large part of our subconscious minds.  We aren’t aware of every memory we have at every moment (thank goodness) but they are completely necessary to our intelligence and the functioning of our conscious minds.  They are held in storage by our subconscious minds and are drawn to the surface when they are relevant to our current experiences and contemplations. ...

Consciousness Beyond Death

 If the question of whether there is consciousness beyond death isn’t the number one unanswered question of non atheist people, then I don’t know what is.  Whether or not one asks this question is probably the answer to whether or not a person is truly an atheist.  If it was possible to have a definitive answer to this question and if the answer is in fact no, then I would not want to have this information.  I definitely do, though, lean toward believing that there is something more.  My personal experiences have in fact convinced me that there is more to reality than that which is normally perceived and understood by our human consciousness and senses.  I could therefore never accept that there is a valid reason for denying the potential existence of unseen realities and influences that we cannot prove given our current state of scientific knowledge and human comprehension.  At the same time, I fully respect intelligent thought and the intelligence of...

Child Behavior and Mothers

 Children behave differently with their mothers.  It is just a fact so people should stop thinking that children’s more challenging behavior with their mothers is somehow the fault of their mothers.  Children test limits and express their needs, feelings, and desires the most with the person or people with whom they feel the most comfortable.  This can be people other than mothers, but with young children, mothers are very often this person.  I felt compelled to write about this even though I am past this point in my life.  

Civilian Space Travel

Even if it was available and affordable and I was fit enough and etc., I would definitely pass on being a pioneer of civilian space travel.  I would not want to be unexpectedly and rapidly disassembled or find myself in a situation that was incompatible with human life.  That is some scary shit!  I do hope to live as long as my body will allow and die only of natural causes.  I so agree with William Shatner without ever having had his experience.  I quite like being here on our planet.  All those who have been actual space astronauts are truly brave and daring people!  And speaking of William Shatner, why is Rescue 911 not available to watch on any streaming services?  What is stopping it from being released?  It was a really good and informative show that could help people avoid getting themselves and others into dangerous situations.

Inward vs. Outward Focus

 Solitude and inward focus are my default modes but everyone requires a balance of inward and outward focus.  We all just have more of a leaning toward one or the other.  At least I thought so.  Some people describe themselves as being extroverted introverts.  Before hearing of this, I never knew that such a thing was possible.  What I do know is that all people have a need to be of value to other people.


 The recognition of intelligence requires intelligence.

Doses of Reality

 For all people, there are times when we will, often abruptly, see that our own point of view requires some adjustment.


 Sometimes the best way to find meaning and success is just to have faith in the process.  When we don’t think we are doing what we want or need to do, we are perhaps not yet appreciating something that is present and of value to us. We need to allow ourselves to think in simple terms and be open to all the potential and possibility that is hidden to our eyes.  This is easier said than done.  Foresight is not 20/20.

Clearing of Clutter

Sometimes there is value in just letting go of an overwhelming amount of accumulated stuff and saved information.  Reclaimed simplicity can be freeing.  That which truly matters cannot hide itself and will come to the forefront again.  Sometimes we can achieve more by choosing a more narrow focus.

Truth vs. Lies

 Lies inevitably will not hold up to truth.  People can try to hold onto them but inevitably their day of mental reckoning will come.

Silly Thought

 If back in High School, I told my typing teacher that in the future I would do most of my typing on my telephone using only my thumbs, I would have sounded absolutely crazy!   😲😂


 Tolerance of harmless people will never hurt anyone.