
Dear Women

Dear Women,   Please vote for the candidate(s) who supports the belief that there should never be laws that give anyone else the legal right to take a woman’s control over her own body away from her.  If you are a woman, you need for this to never happen or be allowed to continue happening.  Every step in a wrong direction paves the way for a further step in the wrong direction to be taken.  There should never be laws that in any way remove a woman’s right to be in control of her own body.

3 Weeks

 Today is 3 weeks until Election Day!  It will be really nice when this pre 2024 presidential election period is behind us!  At least the voting part anyway.  I pray that our country can then return to its normal imperfect politics and be done with all the over the top chaotic insanity.  Some part of me insists that Vice President Harris will win the election, but if recent years and months have taught us anything, it is that unbelievably crazy shit can happen.  We already have a convicted felon who eroded faith in our countries democracy and incited a riot on our nations capital as a presidential nominee in our upcoming presidential election, so what reason is there to believe that the craziness has to stop there?

Why Did The Turtle Cross The Road?

 Why did the turtle cross the road? Because it wanted to get to the Shell station on the other side.

Why Did The Chicken Cross The Road?

 Why did the chicken cross the road? Because he was playing Frogger. 

Who Sang Daydream Believer?

 Who sang “Daydream Believer”?  Was it the Monkeys or Anne Murray?   Answer: Both The song was first released by “The Monkeys” in October 1967 and then re-released by Anne Murray in 1979.

Ginger Tan Man

 Why did the Gingerbread Man bring sunscreen to the beach?  Because he was afraid that the sun’s radiation might bake him.  

Being A Cat Lady

 Somehow, I have transitioned from being a dog owner to becoming a cat lady.  I have three myself, and also a grand cat in my house.  I would like to give my full endorsement to cat ladyism.  I guess this is also a political statement.  Well, hopefully no one will ask me what the statement is because I am not sure myself?  Maybe it is about JD Vance.  Maybe it is just that he and Mr. Trump were made for each other.  

The Menendez Brothers

 I ended up watching the final episodes of the series.  This is not a series where you learn the true stories of the Menendez family.  It is a series where you learn (based on my opinion after watching just the final episodes) that the only thing that is not in question is that the sons killed their parents.  The real truths and stories of the Menendez family are shrouded in mystery to all but the sons and their deceased parents.  I was glad that I only watched the final episodes and not the whole series.  But now, for some reason, it is in my head tonight that I should watch the beginning episodes also.  Why do I care?  Would I understand the final episodes better if I watched the beginning episodes? Why do I care?  Why am I feeling that I should be more interested in this series?  I don’t know but if the story teller in me says that the Menendez brothers are interesting, then perhaps I would agree.   Okay crazy me.  Maybe this is my year for surrendering myself to lunacy.  I have two

Hippo Ha Has

 Why don’t we ever see hippopotamuses hiding in trees? Because they are very good at it.  What do you call a hippopotamus in a sauna? A hippohotamus.


 It doesn’t quite work as it is depicted in this video.  As we move back in time, we find that we have ancestors that occupy more than one position in our family tree.  This is because we have ancestors who share common ancestors.  Our number of ancestors does not just continue to double with each previous generation.  The numbers would become too astronomically high.  We do, of course, have lots of ancestors.  There is just not a doubling of ancestors with each generation as we move backwards.

The Republican Party

 Once upon a time, the Republican party was just a political party and not a serious threat to Americans.  As things currently stand, those days are gone.  The Republican party is now a threat to the American people and women in particular.   I have known for quite some time now that, for me, voting for any Republican candidates was no longer a thought, or concern or possibility.  Not in light of what the Republican party has become.  The overturning of Roe v Wade was a huge step in a wrong direction that not only is terrible in and of itself, but it paves the way for further steps to be taken in harmful and threatening directions.  Women are not protected and cared for by having their bodies and freedoms governed by the laws of those who seek to control them.  The pendulum needs to tip back in the direction of equality between men and women and the upholding of the personal bodily rights of women.

Very Small Wild Cats

 How is it that I never knew before tonight that there exist some very small wild cats? I’m not sure that I’m buying that I just never knew that there are some tiny wild cats, the smallest, the rusty-spotted cat, having an adult weight of just around 3lbs.  How could I have not had this information my whole life? The rusty-spotted cat. I also had never before heard of the jaguarundi that can be found living near the Rio Grande River.  The jaguarundi. I guess it just goes to show that we know what we know and we can be surprised to learn that our own knowledge and assumptions can have missing information.  I think I would have guessed that bobcats were the smallest wild cats.

It’s A Wonderful Life

 I think I should make it a goal to watch “It’s A Wonderful Life” this up coming Christmas seasons.  I must admit though that I have always found it to be a bit strange that a long Christmas movie has absolutely nothing to do with Christmas until the very end.  I love the idea of supernatural magic and angels though.  We should all have the experience of viewing our lives from the perspective of a guardian angel.


 People face their own personal challenges in life that others know nothing about.  This is why we all need to stop and remember that we can’t judge others on how they conduct their own lives based on our own personal understanding and experiences.  People are all different and experience things in different ways.  One person strengths might be another person‘s weaknesses and vice versa.  Things that hold great challenge to some may be a piece of cake or at least much easier for others and vice versa.  On top of that, people have their own private experiences that they may not care to share with others.  We don’t know what others go through or are going through.  The important thing is to try to keep our hearts open to having empathy and understanding for others or to at least have tolerance and patience for others.  Kindness can go a long way.  This applies also to our judgment of ourselves and our own mistakes (real or imagined) and imperfections.  We are all just human. 

Don’t Shoot The Armadillo

This is interesting.  I never knew anything about Armadillos in Texas.  I’m a pretty clueless Texan.  Below is a video that I happen to have seen recently on Instagram.  The owner of this account, zackdfilms, posts all sorts of crazy videos.  I don’t know if this story is true but it’s a good story.  

A Higher Self Message

 A message from my higher self.  “You are dense.”   Wow, thank you.  I’m sorry.  I’m not an idiot on purpose.  It just unfortunately comes naturally.  It’s the way my higher powers made me. Maybe being an idiot is not a bad gig.  If I listened to my higher self, I suppose I would believe this.  For some reason, the image above reminded me of this framed display that contains wood from the Charter Oak tree.  I guess it was the dark background with the lighter tannish colored parts on top of the background.  The images are completely different, but the AI image made me think of this family heirloom framed display.

Wax Museums

 Do wax museums still exist?  I remember the one in Lake George New York.  This image to me looks like a wax figure of our 45th president. 

The Marionette

You know you are living in a very crazy time and during a presidential election like no other, when some people build a 43 foot tall naked marionette of a former president and current presidential candidate.  Even with all this crazy stuff though, we the American people are fortunate to be living in the country that we do.  We have a gun violence problem but we are not living on the home front of a war torn region of the world.  This statement is not meant to minimize the significance of gun violence to all those personally affected by it.  It is just an appreciation for not going through things that others in the world are.  This is why the future of our country and what becomes of it is so important.

A Figure Eight

 If you turn a figure 8 on its side, it becomes like a balance scale.  That was the thought in my head.  The rest of the story vanished like an apparition.  Speaking of apparitions, I learned about some stampeding and vanishing cattle that are part of a Texas story and ghost tale.  Or was it horses that were heard and cattle that were seen?  Anyway, I would not rule out the possibility that some Texas ghost stories could be based on real paranormal happenings that have occurred.  It seems to be a popular theme.  I have even had my own very real experiences here in Texas.  I guess this is my year for Texas Appreciation 101.  Chapter 1, ghosts. I need to read this book.

Hurricane Helene

 This hurricane is a reminder of how much devastation nature and severe weather can actually cause.  I can’t believe that it did such widespread catastrophic damage and to so many people.  It makes a person stop and realize how fortunate they are to never have had an experience of losing everything or worse yet losing or having family members go missing.