
Just A Couple Of Bullies

  If anyone asks me, I would say that Mr. Trump and Mr. Vance are just a couple of bullies who in no way deserve their power or authority.  I am by no means a person who understands a great deal about politics and I know I can never know all the details, but it seems to me that Mr. Trump and Mr. Musk’s treatment of Ukrainian President Zelensky was a performance by a couple of bullies who feel entitled to take advantage of others to get what they want and feel should be theirs.  Did I understand correctly?  They want to be given 5 billion dollars worth of rights to minerals in the Ukraine but they are not willing to make any promises as to what they will offer in the exchange.  And then to add insult to injury, they go on the attack against Ukrainian President Zelenskyy and accuse him of being disrespectful and ungrateful for feeling that he has a right to not be ok with accepting that deal.  Yes, he does have a right to not be ok with accepting this deal re...

Snapshot Anticipation

 The younger people of today will never understand an experience that is now relegated to an era of the past.  They will never comprehend the glorious anticipation of receiving your envelope of developed and printed photos.  Even when some photos turned out to be crummy and disappointing, there was usually something worth treasuring.  Old school film camera photos, even when not perfect, captured memories of things that we valued and wanted to be able to look at and see again.  They were treasured in a different way back then because there was no instant availability of an unlimited quantity.  It was something you had to wait for with anticipation.  First, you had to finish up using all the exposures on your role of film.  A typical number of exposures was 24 or 36 depending on which film you decided to purchase.  Then when you had finished using all your exposures, without wasting them of course because there costs involved, you had to have ...

Important Reporting

American’s should watch this and reflect on it.

Happy Valentine’s Day To Our Country & Note Taking

 I guess I just had a tonight thought.  Mr. Trump and Mr. Musk cannot take away the normalcy of the American people.  There is normalcy beneath the chaos taking place at the top level of our Nation.  For example, a Valentine’s Day party for veterans who are living in a veterans home.  This includes many who literally sacrificed limbs in defending our country.  Those veterans who Mr. Trump wouldn’t want to be seen with because he feels that it wouldn’t be a good look for him.  Well, thank goodness there are veterans homes where these veterans are remembered and valued by all those who manage and operate their homes.  I still believe in the American people.  Now the American people all just need to be sure to spend some time each day paying attention to the news.  They should just pay attention and listen and then they can decide what they think is fake or real.  It can’t hurt anyone to just listen and think before casting an opinion ...


 Overthinking is definitely not something that afflicts our current president.  I just deleted something that I saw online and added here because I don’t want to sound like a broken record. There will be no end to the bad stuff in the news for the next four years. 🥺 I don’t want to hear any bad news. 

Knock Knock

 Knock knock. Who’s there? Your old lady.  Your old lady who? I didn’t know that you could yodel. 

😄🌟👉2025 & Friendship & De-stressing

 So this year we have entered the second quarter of the 21st century.  That is, of course, if we consider the year 2000 to have been the first year of the 21st-century.  This is of course how we have come to view our decades, centuries and millenniums, so I will also choose to accept this as being how we define these time periods.  I only mention this because I am a crazy stickler for details.  Anyway, what I wanted to say is that I think that people at this time are under a lot of stress.  We all have personal stress along with stress about the state of our country and the wider world.  It seems that at this time in human history, it is impossible to be disconnected from a much larger picture that extends beyond our own personal bubbles in life.  We are now five years past the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic and while the worst of that is behind us, life has continued to deliver plenty of new challenges.  Perhaps it is all connected. This is ...

Thank Goodness

 Thank goodness.  It is very good news today to hear that Trump’s claim that the United States is going to take over the Gaza Strip isn’t really going to happen.   I am thinking that maybe I should start a little paper journal with the daily crazy news coming from Donald Trump because it will probably be like 5000 pages long by the end of this year and it will be one of the craziest chapters and stories in American history.  On second thought, maybe I will save the trees and just dedicate an entry to this here.   Actually it’s a dumb idea.  I have better things to do and think about.  Update:  Oh dear.  It didn’t take long to grasp the fact that while others comprehend the sheer impracticality and immorality of Mr. Trump’s idea of owning and rebuilding the Gaza Strip, he himself has by no means given up on it. 

Pneumonia Vaccine

 I found out yesterday that the CDC has lowered the recommended age for getting the pneumonia vaccination from 65 to 50 so now everyone aged 50 and over is eligible to get the vaccine.  I got this vaccination yesterday along with the flu and the newest Covid vaccines.  I guess I have sort of redeemed myself from being a dumb shit this year. 😊 This is just based on my own personal choice, of course.   I don’t think anyone else is a dumb shit.  Except if they never got any Covid vaccinations and then, well, I sort of do think they are dumb shits. 🫨

Christmas Is Over But

Christmas is over until the end of this year, but I found a new favorite song and music group.  It is “I Heard The Bells On Christmas Day” by We Are Messangers from the EP album “Rejoice! (A Celtic Christmas)”.  It was a happy serendipity that I woke up during the night to discover.

Information Complexity

 I’m trying once again to work on categorizing and organizing all my various paper stuff and information.  It is really quite crazy how information complex our lives have become!  Especially if we want to know and understand all the things that we should probably be keeping up with and be aware of. 😲

Independent News Media

 Wow.  The independent news media organizations such as The Damage Report and The Young Turks have their work cut out for them at this time, more so than ever.  They presently have a nonstop barrage of political craziness to report on.  I hope they don’t become burned out.  I appreciate their perspectives and being more informed as opposed to clueless about everything that is going on politically with our nation at this time.

Never Again

 The world sunk to a very low place during the time of World War II and Nazi Germany.  I would like to believe that this kind of mentality and state of political affairs will never again come to pass in a nation built on the ideals of democracy.  I know that I would be naive and stupid to not understand that terrible situations have continued to take place in countries around the world ever since the time of World War II.  This is the first time in my lifetime though that I am experiencing seeing things move in such alarming and concerning directions so close to home.  This is the first time that I am experiencing the vulnerability of my own country that is supposed to be a world leader and powerful nation of freedom, democracy and opportunity.  Germany survived its Hitler and Nazi era and went on to become a good country once again.  America should also find its way through any period of confusion and backsliding.  I would like to believe though ...

50 Million Dollars For Condoms 😂

President Trump quote:  “In that process, we identified and stopped $50 million dollars being sent to Gaza to buy condoms for Hamas.  $50 million.  And you know what’s happened to them?  They’ve used them as a method of making bombs.” Am I horrible for LMAO?  Why would he even think that America would do such a thing???  Or that condoms could be used to make bombs??  It boggles the mind. 😂🤣😂 I guess sometimes it’s better to just laugh.  Below is a story with more details that sheds light on the nuggets of truth from which the crazy stories were derived.

New Term Learned

 Politically homeless.  I never heard or if I did, I never comprehended the meaning of this term before today, which happens to be my 58th birthday.  It goes to show that we are never too old to learn new things.  And there are always amazing people much younger than we are who have amazing knowledge and comprehension of topics that we know nothing about. 

Astronauts & President Trump Wow, I am impressed by President Trump doing and saying something good for a change.  He does of course, though, have to pin anything negative that he can on the Biden administration.  

Floor Present

 Okay which one of you cats left a present on the floor and why did you do it?

Silly Memes

 Wow.  I can’t even imagine.  I only see my old swamp thing image.  😳

Another Mr. Trump Contemplatio 😵‍💫🥴

 I have an additional thought about President Trump tonight.  He is operating at a new level of boldness that he did not attempt during his first term of presidency.  He has an increased sense of power and expectation of not being challenged or thwarted in carrying out the objectives that he desires. The people who voted for Mr. Trump are going to get to experience his plan to Make America Great Again in action.  What that will entail and what changes will come about, we don’t yet know. 

The Donald Trump Show

 The Donald Trump Show.  It seems to me at this time that it is a just a question of how much crazy stuff he will be able to do and get away with before someone says enough is enough and decides to do something about it.  He is off to a hell of a start with all his executive orders. I guess the someone who will have to rein him in are his fellow Republicans and the Supreme Court.  No one else can do anything.